4 Donations You Can Make to Your Local Animal Shelter Today

Animal shelters operate with all of the support, time, and help they can get, and they are always on the lookout for people who can make the lives of the animals they take care of easier! Not all of us have the ability to foster or adopt pets, but there are always things we can do to help out our four legged friends.
With that in mind, here are four things you can donate today to help your local animal shelter.
1. Food
Bags of dog food, cans of cat food, or even things like tuna fish can be viable donation items to a shelter in need. Much like with cleaning supplies, animals can go through a staggering amount of food, so donating some alleviates the strain on the shelter’s already limited budget. This frees them up to put that money towards other things like making room to house more animals! When in doubt, don’t be afraid to donate food! Just call and ask what food they give their animals first.
2. Cleaning Supplies
Looking at the wish lists of places like the Animal Humane Society, there are all the items one might expect: beds, exercise pens, and so on. But what also is desperately needed are the everyday things like zip-loc bags, dish soap, sponges, and plenty of Kleenex! Shelters can go through a staggering amount of basic supplies while taking care of the animals they watch over and it can make a huge difference to donate even just a few things like cleaning supplies to them.
Speaking of shelters and limited budgets, if you don’t feel like bringing physical items, shelters will always accept donations towards their operation. This can be a great way to have an immediate effect, and can even be used to support places far beyond your ability to travel to! It can’t be overstated: money is always an acceptable donation and the staff will always be grateful for your support!
4. Your Time
One of the best ways to give can be to volunteer your time or skills to help out a shelter in need. Whether you are working directly with animals or are donating your computer, accounting, or other professional services, you can really make a visible and immediate impact in the care a shelter can provide. Out of all the options, this can be the fastest and greatest way to show your appreciation of the hard work shelter staff do every day!
What way are you thinking of giving back to your local shelter? Let us know in the comments below!