5 Ways to Save Money on Your Pet

Owning a pet can be a big responsibility, and nothing makes that more apparent than the costs that pets can accrue. Food, toys, and even vet visits can be a huge drain on your finances, and can deter many would-be pet owners from bringing a new companion into their lives. Fear not! We have some tips to help minimize the costs of owning a pet!
Here are Five easy ways to save money on your pet.
1. Adopt, Don’t Shop!
One of the biggest things to think about when looking into a pet is the cost. Many breeders will charge a large fee for the pet alone, and it doesn’t usually include things like vaccinations, registration, etc. Adoption, by comparison, usually adds things like that into the relatively minor fee they charge for adoption. If you are looking to save money on acquiring a pet, your number one bet is to adopt a pet from a humane society or animal shelter. After all, saving money is only one of the many benefits adopting a pet can bring!
2. Consider Do It Yourself Pet Toys
Pet toys can come in a variety of shapes sizes, and costs, but a great way to lower the cost of pet ownership is to learn to make toys yourself. Places like Vetstreet offer great little tutorials on how to make homemade toys for the dog or cat in your life, and are definitely worth a look at. Another advantage of homemade toys, in addition to saving your wallet, is that they can often be tailored towards the type and activity level of your pet, which can not only make them less expensive, but more fun!
3. Be Proactive With Your Pet’s Health
Much like with people, preventative medicine is often one of the cheapest ways to deal with health problems. Instead of waiting until a major issue develops, schedule complete physicals with your veterinarian. By doing this, along with blood tests and other diagnostics, your veterinarian can catch health problems before they develop, and save you and your pet a lot of time, money, and trouble down the road!
4. Avoid Frivolous Spending
Whether it’s that adorable outfit you think your dog just needs, or that fancy food, we all want to splurge on the ones we love, and our pets are no exception. But by questioning yourself and sticking to what is really a necessity for your pet, you can curb impulsive spending on things they don’t really need. This means that when something does come up, you’ll have the money. A great way to enforce this is whenever the urge to buy something extra for your pet strikes, instead put that money into a savings account set aside just for your pet and their needs. Then, when food, vet bills, or other unexpected expenses pop up, you’ll both be prepared!
5. Learn How to Groom Your Own Pet
We all want our pets to look their best, and it can often be a great idea to take them for regular grooming. But these costs add up, and savvy pet owners may want to consider learning to do this themselves! In addition to saving money, it can be a great bonding time with your pet. There are plenty of resources on how to do so, from videos to websites, and a little research can yield a lot of savings for you and your pet!
What other great ways can you save money on your pet? Let us know in the comments below!