Five Benefits of Adopting a Mix Breed Pup

There are many benefits of adopting a pet which is why I always encourage people to adopt as opposed to shop! However, why limit your search strictly to a pure bred animal when there are so many awesome mixed breed epets up for adoption?
Here are five a few reasons why you should consider adopting a mixed breed pet!
1. Good Genes
Mixed-breeds have the qualities of multiple dogs, so you could be getting a bargain deal! The best qualities of a breed can be found in combinations within mutts. They also have less of a chance of having genetic diseases caused from inbreeding, like purebreds do. If there is a common health issue for a certain breed, for example labs are known for having skin conditions, then any purebred pup you adopt will have a higher chance of having that health issue. However, with a mixed-breed dog, the chances of genetic mutations decline.
Added bonus: Since mixed breeds have less of a chance of developing diseases, they tend to live longer!
2. Cost
When considering adopting any animal, you need to make sure you can afford them. Mixed-breeds tend to cost less, especially if you adopt. However, considering how purebreds sometimes have genetic diseases, a mutt can save you money in the long run. Since mixed breeds tend to have less chances of a genetic disease, they typically won’t require as many vet visits or medication.
3. Temperament
All breeds have known personality traits that might not be very desirable. Peninsula Humane Society says that with a mixed breed, these traits may become less extreme. This is very good news for animals with bad reps, such as pit bulls!
When adopting a mix-breed dog, you help end the puppy mill industry. Puppy mills tend to mistreat their dogs and breed for profit only. By adopting, the demand for purebreds decreases, causing the quick-money scheme of a puppy mill less appealing to people trying to earn a quick buck.
5. Overpopulation
There are more mixed breeds in adoption centers than pure breeds. By adopting a mixed breed, you help relieve the shelter of overpopulation and you save lives because by adopting a shelter animal, you open up another spot in that shelter for a homeless animal searching for a home .
6. You could miss out
Let’s face it: being picky when it comes to breed could lead to you missing out on a potentially wonderful pet. Keep an open mind when you are looking into adopting a pet, don’t limit yourself to one particular breed or a purebred pet.
Of course there are many things to consider when adopting a pet and breeds can give a lot of insight as to what kind of traits, such as personality or size, an animal may have. When adopting, you can consider breed, but be sure to evaluate each dog or cat’s temperament and characteristics individually. You may end up finding the perfect pet for your family and that pet may not be the breed you thought you wanted!
Do you own a mixed breed pup? Tell us how wonderful your pet is in the comments!