4 Ways to Keep Dogs Entertained Indoors

We all know that the best way to keep your dog entertained and active is taking them outside to play or go on walks, but sometimes going outdoors isn’t convenient or possible. Whether you have bad weather or are just too busy with your own tasks, it can be a drag for your dog to be stuck inside with nothing to do.
If you are franticly trying to figure out how to battle the indoor boredom, here are four ways to keep your dog occupied and happy.
1) If you have time and treats, why not take the opportunity to work on your dog’s obedience training? This can be a great bonding activity for you and your pooch, especially if there are any behavioral problems you’ve been meaning to work on but have pushed to the end of your procrastinating limit. This is also a good way to mentally stimulate your dog and chase away any boredom – plus they’ll love the treats. There are plenty of online guides to help you teach your dog any command, from sitting to refraining from unwanted jumping on you or your guests. Youtube is a great source for this because you can see exactly what you need to do to ensure that you are properly training your dog.
2) If you want to help your high-energy dog stay active indoors and blow off some steam, you can simply chase your dog around the house (provided you have enough space) and let them chase you back. This is a fun activity for dogs and lets them burn off excess energy while helping you burn a few extra calories! My Labrador mix, Luke, and golden retriever, Max, love when I chase them around the upstairs area of my house, and even chase each other around as well! Just make sure your dog always comes when he or she is called if you use chase to burn off energy. The last thing you want to have happen is for your pup to run away from you when you are trying to put their leash on or keep them safe from traffic!
If space is an issue and you can’t accomplish this without knocking over and destroying some of your furniture, Apartment Therapy offers a great idea for exercise: throwing a ball or other toys down your stairs or in the basement for your dog to fetch.
3) Looking for that perfect toy to keep your dog busy while you’re busy? Puzzle toys are a great way to go. Most of these involve you hiding a treat inside the toy and letting your dog interact with it to figure out how to reach the treat. Luke loves showing off how smart he is by finding the treat as fast as possible, and it’s fun watching him do it! Some of these toys can be expensive, though, so if you don’t have a lot of extra money to spend, this article from BarkPost gives you 33 ways to make your own dog toys, treats, and puzzle toys out of what you already have in your home.
4) When you’re too busy to do any of the above and you need a distraction for your dog with minimal effort on your part, videos for dogs are a perfect way to keep them entertained. This is great for your wallet as well, because many of these videos are already on free streaming sites like Youtube. Your dog can get up close and personal with a squirrel or a bird without stepping a foot outside, and you can get your work done without worrying about them being bored. This can be entertaining for you too; watching dogs react to these videos can be hilarious!
Keeping your dog entertained is very important for their sanity as well as yours, because a bored dog can quickly become a destructive dog. By giving each of the four suggestions a chance, you and your dog are sure to find an option that works for both of you.
How do you keep your pup entertained when you are stuck inside? Leave a comment and let us know!