7 Health Benefits of Owning a Dog
Having a dog is one of the best things in my life. What’s not to love about hanging out with a cuddly, furry, unconditionally-loving animal all day?
While I’ve always known that owning a pet is a wonderfully fulfilling experience, I recently learned that there are many health benefits, both mental and physical, associated with dog ownership.
Here are 7 health benefits you receive from owning a dog.
Dogs require a lot of attention, playtime, and walks, meaning that responsible dog owners get plenty of exercise. If you walk your dog once in the morning, once midday, and once before bed, with added trips to the park or the beach on weekends, you should notice your fitness level rising and your extra weight dropping. The longer and more vigorous the activity, the more you’ll notice positive changes in the health of you and your dog!
2. Keep depression at bay
Aside from the fitness benefits, owning a dog has been shown to stave off depression and decrease the effects of bad mood swings. For many people, sharing their life with a dog gives them a reason to get them out of bed in the mornings and can be an overwhelmingly positive force in their fight against mental illness.
3. Decrease stress and anxiety
The same goes for stress and anxiety. Personally, as someone who experiences general anxiety and panic attacks, petting and snuggling with my dog is a surefire way to fend off fear and stress. The calming effects of petting a dog is something I feel right away: as soon as my collie, Diego, walks into the room, my heartrate slows and my blood pressure drops. Even without proper
training as a therapy dog, Diego is the perfect antidote to my
4. Prevent the development of allergies in children
When it comes to preventing allergies in children, one of the best things you can do is expose them to a dirty dog. By introducing allergens and dirt into a child’s environment by allowing them to pet and snuggle with a dog, you can help your kids or grandkids build up better, stronger immune systems that recognize the difference between natural dirt and actual threats to a child’s health.
5. Help increase socialization and fight loneliness
Having a dog can be a great conversation starter, and going out walking with your pet is the perfect way to draw the neighbors out for a quick chat. After all, who can resist visiting with a cute dog and their owner? Apart from being something to talk about, the presence of a pet in your home helps decrease feelings of loneliness. People with pets are far less likely to be lonely, and more likely to have a healthy social life.
6. Lower cholesterol
In addition to all the other benefits on this list, having a dog can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and increase overall heart health. Cool, right? Even if your dog’s nighttime barking or other crazy quirks can drive you up the wall, in the long run your four-legged friend’s presence in your home is probably doing your heart a big favor.
7. Help manage medical conditions
Many dogs can recognize certain diseases or illnesses, such as bladder infections or cancers, by smell alone. Dogs that are specially trained to recognize and respond to medical conditions such as seizures or panic attacks can help a person in need by doing many things, like turning on lights, providing physical comfort, fetching important medications, and even, in some cases, learning to dial 911. Specially trained seizure dogs are wonderful companion animals for individuals with epilepsy, since they can sense an episode coming on long before their owners feel the effects.
Are you a dog owner? How has dog ownership helped you increase your fitness and/or decrease the effects of stress or medical issues in your life? Leave a comment and let us know!