The Top 5 Most Popular Dog Breeds

When you’re looking for a pet, it can pay to know what sort of options you’ll have available. The American Kennel Club has posted their list of the most popular dog breeds, and this can serve as a great guide to what sort of dogs are the most desired by pet owners. Those that grace the top of the list have done so for several consecutive years, and this can help make your decision when looking for a new animal to adopt easier, as you can know what other four legged friends other people have opened their homes to. Here are the top five most popular dog breeds for you to keep in mind when looking to adopt!
#5: Beagles
Don’t let their small size fool you, beagles are one of the most popular dogs in the world! These former hunting companions now find themselves soaring in popularity due to their happy go lucky natures and cute expressions. Like most dogs on this list, they are very active, requiring a lot of play and maintenance, and they are terrific with children, which can be a big concern for any prospective family. If you are looking for a big heart in a small package, look no further than adopting a beagle into your life!
#4: Bulldogs
Bulldogs, by many people’s standards, are in the “so ugly they are cute” category of dog breed. However, this is selling them short, as they have loveable, gentle dispositions. They are great with children and other dogs, and unlike many other breeds they are more relaxed, only requiring occasional exercise. This makes them great for a less active lifestyle and helps account for their popularity. They truly are different from many other dog breeds out there and if you are looking to adopt, don’t rule out these loving, funny dogs!
#3: Golden Retrievers
It’s not surprising how beloved these golden colored dogs are; with their boundless energy and loving, affable demeanors, they are a great fit for a wide range of pet owning lifestyles. They do require constant exercise and care (as with most dogs), but they are great with children, and also remarkably even tempered animals. They also make intelligent and devoted companions, which makes them a strong contender when thinking of adopting a new pet!
#2: German Shepherds
Our second place dog is not only a smart, courageous animal in itself, but has established its place in both military and law enforcement work, showing a keen intelligence and discipline. It is still great with children as well as any of the other animals on the list, and also very active in lifestyle, but it has a reputation for being protective and courageous when protecting its owners. If you are looking for a gentle protector for you or your family, it is hard to go wrong with a choice of a German Shepherd!
#1 Labrador Retriever
Whether chocolate, black or golden, Labrador Retrievers come in a variety of colors and sizes. What they all share in common, however, is an even, energetic temperament, friendliness, and a gentle nature. Great with children, comfortable fitting into a variety of lifestyles, and friendly and outgoing, it is no wonder that Labrador Retrievers have made themselves the most popular dog breed since 2013. If you’re considering adopting a new companion, it is worthwhile to keep in mind these wonderful companions!
What dog breeds are your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
WOW! Awesome Post. It’s very helpful to me. Especially, I have owned a dog as like German Shepherds.
The post has given me a clear concept about dog breeds. Thanks for sharing, Keep it up.