10 Quick Tips for Keeping Small Pets Safe

Chirp, squeak, and nibble. Our little friends are just as important to us as our big ones. Hamsters, mice, bunnies, lizards, fish, and many more tiny companions rely on us pet parents even more than our bigger babies. They may not need to be taken on walks to go potty or play fetch, but they do need a whole lot of love and attention. One of the biggest ways that our small pets rely on us is protection. When you have cats and dogs in a house with rodents, fish, or birds, you need to keep them safe. Here are some tips on how to keep your pintsize companions happy and secure.
1. Keep their tank or cage in a place where your dog or cat can’t reach.
This may be a little tricky considering that cats can jump up on things easily. But keeping your pets tank or cage pushed back on a countertop or somewhere it can’t be accessed by your pup or cat is a great start to keeping the little guys safe.
2. Sturdy platforms are essential.
If you are keeping your pets cage or tank on a platform or table, make sure that it is sturdy. A wobbly table could send your pet flying off and onto the floor. The fall could really hurt your pet and up the chances of your pet becoming lost or harmed by another pet.
3. Check cages for wire and lock compromises.
Some pets can chew threw or loosen wires to their cages. Regularly check your pets cage for holes or loose locks.
4. Go for tanks that have lids.
Gold fish bowls may be cute, but they are not very safe. Having a tank with a pump can dramatically help the longevity of your fish. And if you have lizards or other reptiles in tanks, always have a lid. This can keep your pets from escaping or other pets from getting into the tanks.
5. Try not to leave your pets unsupervised for long periods of time.
This is easier said than done. If you have to leave your home, make sure that your small pet is secure in its cage or tank before leaving. It may be a good idea to put cats or dogs in kennels until your return home.
6. A separate room may be a good idea.
Keeping your small pet in a designated room may be a good step to ensure its safety from other larger pets. If this room has a door, be sure to close it and make sure that none of the larger pets are accidentally locked in with them.
7. If you are letting your pet out of its cage, watch out for signs of aggression.
If you are playing with your little critter and your cat or dog starts showing signs of rough play or aggression in your direction, it is in you and your small pets best interest to put them back into their tiny home.
8. Always make sure cages are secured after play.
After play time is over make sure that your lock up their cage. This will prevent escapes and break ins.
9. Beware of bedtime.
Some of your small pets may be most active at night or nocturnal. This means that they may stir up some noise at night and draw attention from other pets. It may be best to let Fido or Fluffy sleep in your room or in a kennel.
10. Be persistent.
Always keep an eye out for your small friends. They need all the help they can get to keep safe form bigger pets!