Why You Should Protect Your Pets with Flea and Tick Preventatives

Since the summer months are the most popular for the pesky parasites known as fleas and ticks to infest our pets, it’s best to know about the certain preventative measures you should take. Even though summer is when the sales for flea and tick preventatives sky rocket, these precautions should normally be used year round, since it is possible for fleas and ticks to become a problem year-round.
Fleas and ticks bite at dog’s and cat’s skin and cause irritation, allergic reaction, intense itching and swelling, as well as possibly causing the pet’s fur to fall off in certain spots. This can irritate the pet and cause extreme discomfort. If the fleas and ticks live on your pet too long, they can cause serious skin issues that will cost you more money in the long run. 1800PetMeds.com states that fleas are the number one reason for a pet being extremely itchy. This is why it is best to spend money on the best flea and tick preventatives rather than spending all of the money on trying to fix the problem after it already happens.
Another big issue with fleas and ticks is the diseases that they could possibly carry and give to your pets. Many pets suffer from diseases carried by these parasites due to not being protected. The biggest disease a pet could get from these parasites is lyme disease, which is usually caused by the bite of a tick. It causes lameness followed by a fever and lethargy. VetInfo.com relays that pets could also get barnotella, erlichoisis, tapeworms, and parasitic dermatitis if they are overrun
by fleas and/or ticks. A simple purchase of a flea and tick preventative as a monthly topical or chewable could help owners avoid these horrible diseases in their pets.
Some popular preventatives to choose from include, but are not limited to, Advantage/Advantix, Effitix, and PetArmor, which are monthly topicals for your pets. These help kill and prevent fleas and ticks from attacking your pet. Other options for a flea and tick preventative for your pet are chewables such as Advantus, Capstar, and Revolution. Chewables usually work by having the flea and tick bite the pet first in order for it to be effective in killing them. If neither of these options are possible, there is also the Seresto collar which lasts for eight months in protecting your cat or dog from fleas and ticks. ValleyVet.com says that all of these preventatives will help your pet in the long run. They do cost more than lesser-known, and less effective, flea and tick medicines found in grocery stores or convenience stores, but are proven to work and be worth spending more money.
Please ensure your pet stays healthy and avoid attacks from these icky parasites. Your fur baby is worth spending the money to prevent disease or intense itching from the fleas and ticks. Don’t let these parasites overrun your pets. Protect them during the seasons when the fleas and ticks are most prevalent in order to have a fun summer with your pet.