6 Ways to Make Walking Your Dog More Fun

After a while, going on a walk with your dog becomes routine. Sometimes it can become boring and you might start to dread it. However, it doesn’t have to be a drag! There are many ways you can switch up your walk to make it more entertaining for both you and your dog.
Here are 6 ways to have more fun while walking your dog!
People get bored with the same routine, so trying a new location is a great way to get some variation. If you want to stay near your usual route, go the opposite way you normally do. If you want to go somewhere else, going to the beach, park, on a hiking trail, or into town is a great change of pace. If you find a dog-friendly stores that allow you to window shop or do some light shopping while you are at it, even better! However, if your dog becomes nervous or uncomfortable it is best to stay near your usual route.
2. Add Off-Leash play time
If there is a place your dog can safely and legally be off the leash, then you can engage in play time. You can bring toys with you, such as a ball or flying disc. Engage in the classic game of “fetch”. If you don’t want to carry the toys around, finding a stick will also do. Another game you can play is “find it”. You can toss treats in front of you so they can hunt them down.
A walk is a great time to practice obedience. When your dog acts up, you can stop them and correct their behavior. You can teach and practice how to sit, stay, watch, and other obedience exercises. When the basic skills are down, you can move on to some trickier skills such as playing dead and standing on their hind legs. Giving treats for good behavior will give your pup great motivation.
4. Socialize
Socializing can be fun and going to a dog park will allow you to meet other dog lovers and their furry loved ones. At the dog park your dog can run, sniff, and socialize with other dogs as much as they want. If you don’t feel comfortable being around so many other owners and pets, you can walk with one or two other dog owners.
5. Alternate Your Pace
Dogs can be easily distracted and not want to go in the direction you do. To combat this, you can walk fast. Your dog is then focused on keeping up with you. A swift change in direction can also make sure he stays focused on you and provide you both with extra exercise.
6. Let your dog lead
Sometimes it’s fun to let your dog take charge. Let them go where they want! You might not get very far or go very fast with them stopping to sniff everything, but you might end up going somewhere you never thought you would end up. Allowing your dog to take charge allows an adventure you might not have otherwise. Using their nose is probably the highlight of their walk as they get a lot of information through smell.
Monitor your dog as you try new ways to make your walk more fun. You can decide what the best way is by watching their reactions to new situations. Going new places can be both physically and mentally stimulating, and can be full of adventure and fun.
What do you like to do to keep your walks interesting? Let us know in the comments!